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For entrepreneurial free thinkers & unconventional doers.

Alex Malone & Tari Lambregts


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Stop frustrating yourself that it should be different... It's time for action. Only by doing can you begin to make a difference

This is what we promise.

  • Guidance in your transformation towards a free and successful life and work based on your mission;

  • 10 challenges that propel you towards unprecedented growth;

  • New liberating perspectives on work, time, money & energy;

  • You learn to effectively utilize your time and energy towards impact and success;

  • And as a result, you stop working hard and pushing through.

  • Each challenge is tailored to the season and energy of our group.

  • A valuable network of free thinkers and unconventional doers, each with their own inspiring story, business, motivation, and valuable lessons.

  • Our group is already in full motion, so you're stepping into a moving concept;

  • Various supportive online & offline events;

  • Discover how you can get to know yourself and challenge yourself at a new level for growth.

  • Within The Club, you develop the ability to make powerful decisions and take bigger steps. In order to create more impact and generate more revenue, in your own unique way.


Josie Jackson (29)

I have learned that transformation and choosing a new version lead to a phase of confusion, where you can consciously choose a new version and make choices. I have never made such a significant choice that brings about such a big change on my own. I am curious about what is to come and feel a deep sense of trust and occasional shallow fear.

Thank you, club, for standing by my side, for with your support, I can deeply trust myself.

Evi Bastiaensen (31)

Ik ga als een malle! Vooral op persoonlijk vlak en ik dacht dat mijn werk "wat achterblijft". Maar dat is niet waar. Ik merk nu dat de volgende stap in mijn bedrijf zich aan het klaarmaken is om next level te gaan. De hernieuwde versie van mijzelf was daarvoor eerst nodig! Dankjewel!


Erik Vosman (42)

A little over a year ago, I started as an entrepreneur, initially taking on freelance/interim assignments. It was something I had been doing for about 10 years prior to that. It was a familiar skill set, but it served as a good starting point for me to make the switch from being an employee to embracing entrepreneurship. However, it never felt like my final destination in any way.

Zoals ik nu geleerd heb is dit nog niet volledig vanuit mijn purpose en ligt mijn behoefte om impact te kunnen maken, mijn steentje bij te dragen op een ander vlak. En het is tijd dat ik hier vol voor ga. Voor deze switch zal ik ook zelf stappen moeten zetten in een vernieuwde “ik” met de juiste mensen om me heen. En na diverse Challenges weet ik als geen ander dat ik dit ga vinden binnen The Challenge Club. 

Challenge Accepted

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